Thursday, April 7, 2011

Where do you even begin

Things here have been going great. I had another great workout at the gym today and just FEEL good. I've gone  10 of the last 11 days to the gym!

I've also really been sticking to my diet, but feel like I might have to  cut a few calories out ... Im sitting at about 1500-1600 a day, but JT read a thing that said people underestimate their calories by 20-40% generally. Maybe that is why I am not actually seeing weight loss on the scale? Im not sure yet, but I picked up some books on nutrition today finally so I'll let you all know what I find!

Before I get into the next part of today's post, I want to share a link my friend Megan sent me on facebook for organic, farm-raised beef/chicken/eggs around the US. You can actually click on your  state and it will tell you what is near you!

Anyways, do you ever fell like you REALLY want to do something, but have no idea where to start?

I feel this way often. I would really like to learn to crochet... It would just be cool to make people blankets as gifts and to make myself scarves and such - but no matter how hard I try to learn I just keep making circles. Ive read books, watched about 40 youtube videos... I just don't get it! I would also like to learn how to do yoga, how to meditate, how to take my training to the next level, how to cook... there are a million things I want to be able to DO, but I just don't know where to even start! And even when I DO feel like I am on the right track, I often am not.

Ive mentioned the blog Living Myself To Death in the past, particularly, I mentioned the post I linked to the name of the blog. In that blog, Johnny Waite said to stop talking about what you WANT to do and to just DO it. I wrote an entire blog about it in fact and have really been sticking to it.

That is exactly why I am writing today - I have been living by the "Just Do It" mantra and I am actually seeing positive results.

I have to eat - I have no gourmet chef (JT) here to cook for me, so I am cooking for myself and coming up with some pretty awesome and out of the box healthy meals!

I want to get in shape and get fit - I am doing it and although not losing a lot of weight quite yet, I am seeing changes in my body.

I want to learn yoga and meditation, - so, I went to the library, got some books and am doing the research so I can learn how to do them.

I want to write my blog more often so I am writing more often...

The list could go on and on. It feels great to just DO. And even though I have only been doing this for not quite two weeks I am already seeing big results. My quality of life is significantly better. I am not longer just talking about living my life and talking about doing the things I want to do, I am doing them. Make a list of stuff you want to do and just start at the top and work your way down.

I do understand it is a lot easier to say to "just go do" something than to actually just go do it. And that is where we come back to getting started. How exactly do you get started? I can't say I really know how to answer that.... It is hard to go into a gym and just start working out if you don't know how to. So, I think the most important thing to do is to research. Look up "How to start working out" and decide what is right for you. Go to the library and get books. Ask a friend who has the same interest. That is really all you can do- research, experiment, and do your best. And that goes with everything. I have always had a cooking phobia! Seriously... I just never thought I had it in me - but now that I am going out on a limb and just trying things I am having success.

I know this is a little bit of a repeat blog - but it just seems like such an important message that I wanted to re-iterate it. Thanks for reading!

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can;
begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it."
- Goethe

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