Monday, April 4, 2011

Sometimes things just don't go as planned

I wrote the following excerpt in my Business and Professional Writing class last night:

I am in class right now and have seven minutes until break ends... I figured I'd take this opportunity (because there is always an opportunity... right JT?) to get started on tonight's blog. I probably won't finish it until I get home later - but I figured since this is a writing class and my writing juices are flowing, I might get something good in here in the next seven minutes (although this intro took me about two to write...)

Anyways, this weekend was good for me. I had two VERY serious training days. I did an hour of cardio and lifted both days. After Saturday's workout I felt A-FREAKING-MAZING and decided Sunday would be the same. Unfortunately, the gods had something else in store... I guess I didn't eat enough, I didn't drink enough water or I over-trained, because one of those three things made me feel SO unbelievably sick after my workout. I was exhausted and nauseous and had to have my mom go to the store and get me a Gatorade. Thankfully I recovered after a short nap, but it was truly awful. Anyways, over-training. What exactly does that mean? I wasn't really sure why I felt that way so I looked it up, this is something I found:

"The first condition most people experience when exercising is reaching their lactate threshold. This is when the physical effort you are exerting produces more lactic acid than your body can process. This is typically the chemical reaction in the body that leads to nausea, dizziness, a metallic or acidic taste in your mouth, blurred vision, etc. Rather than resting, it is better to just start walking. Continuous, low effort movement, will help your body to process the excess lactic acid - even if you feel like you want to just curl up into a ball."

Well.. I didn't exactly keep working, but I do feel better now.

My plan was to finish this post up last night when I got home, but I had a few unexpected events happen that disrupted my evening....

I hit a deer. :( I feel so bad about it too. Im not sure how she did because she ran off, but my car did not do too well. It still drives (thank goodness!) And I am safe and sound. Plus I have full coverage so I will be able to get the car fixed with no problems (except a steep deductible.)
On top of that, JT is really seriously suffering with his SI joint pain. He wasn't able to move this morning... and I feel SO helpless being here and unable to help him. Luckily, we have an AMAZING Chiropractor who made him feel so much better and she gave him some exercises and such to do. I know a lot of people think Chiros are quacks, but I think they are amazing. I really feel like their holistic approach to healing the body far surpasses the idea of doping people up and not ever really fixing the problem. Anyways, I find myself worrying about my sweet husband a lot... glad he is feeling better right now!

So I took yesterday off from the gym (I felt like I needed it after my experience Sunday) but I was right back there today. I'll be honest too, I definitely struggled to make it today too! I had a long day that started at 9am with a meeting with one of my professors. (Those of you who really know me, particularly Gina, JT and Chelsea know I am NOT a morning person... in the least... so having to BE there at 9 was rough!) I had class and ran errands until 13o and then I grabbed a quick lunch (baked potato with greek yogurt as sour cream, black beans and corn) and then I headed to an appointment at the Erie Veterans Hosptial. I then went shopping at WONDERFUL Wegmans :) I didn't get home until 630 and I was exhausted. I laid on the bed for a few minutes and literally had a conversation with myself:

"ok... I can rest now and go to the gym later"

"no, if I don't go now I won't go"

"yeah you will, you can watch biggest loser while you're there"

"no, I made the commitment to do this and I will go to the gym right now, even if I don't feel like it"

So I got my happy ass up, changed and went to the gym. My workout was decent, I got seriously like... 25 Jeopardy questions correct while doing my cardio and I just feel great and accomplished now. I feel like I have earned the right to relax and watch biggest loser and the Red Sox vs Indians game.

So, there aren't really any deep meaningful messages in today's blog, except that I am continuing to work toward looking at the positives in every situation. It would be SO easy to feel sorry for myself because I hit a deer, but the real victim is the deer honestly. My car will be fixed, I am safe, but that poor baby may be suffering somewhere. Also, I honored my commitment to myself. I committed to putting every effort into my weightloss and fitness journey and I am doing that. I am so proud to say that.

Ok - here are a few informational articles for the day. I tried to choose a variety to suit everyone! :) Thanks for reading!!!! :)

(This one is VERY important! If you find yourself having knee, ankle or foot problems at all, the culprit might be your shoes!!!)

Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.
Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.
~Author Unknown

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