Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In a Rut

Hello Everyone

This is a quick check in to let you all know I am still trying to get back into my workouts! I found a great article to share too for those of you who have to eat breakfast on the go!

Before that though, I have something to tell everyone. Most of you aren't from where I am from so you probably haven't heard the news, but two people were murdered in our small town of 10,000. One of those people was someone that I grew up with since toddlerhood. She and her mom and sister lived across the hall from me and we spent so many fun hours of our childhood together. We also went to school together and graduated together and this just sucks. :( Im doing ok but its just been such a bummer and the whole town is in a tizzy. ugh.

Sorry to be a bummer - but the reason I have to talk about it is because it just really affects ones well being when crappy things happen. I can't motivate myself or focus right now and its making me want to eat! What do you do when you feel this way? Anyone have any suggestions?

On a positive note I have a new workout buddy (shoutout to Kristy V) and we are meeting at the Y in the morning. So I am very excited!

Im also still wondering what types of vitamins everyone takes.

Ok - here is the article I said I'd share! :) Hope you enjoy it. And, any feedback would be greatly appreciated! <3



  1. Hey Heather!
    I REALLY like nature's sunshine products. They are all natural. I take alfalfa for my arthritis, and it works so much better than the toxic Mobic NSAID the doctors put me on...the Mobic made my hair fall out! LOTS of it!!! And it didn't really work that well! Anyway, I take a few other things like Evening Primrose Oil, Vitamin D3, Damiana, and Safflower...It covers things for arthritis, thyroid balance, circulation, omega 3s, and sex drive!! :) Anyway, I really like their products!

  2. Thanx for the shout out girly I love ya!!WoOt~WoOt We are def going to start are training and rock that Warrior Dash:)Awesome job on the blog keep up the good work.I can't really say I use to many vitamins but I do use ground golden flax seed you can add it to just about anything and its super good for you!!...xoxo

  3. Hey Heather! I take a multi-vitamin, calcium + vit D supplement, and a vitamin C supplement. I also put ground flax seed and chia seeds in my oatmeal in the mornings. :)
